Wednesday, December 2, 2015

How to Fix the hard disk bad sector Without Missing Data + Tutorial

How to Fix the hard disk bad sector Without Missing Data + Tutorial
how to repair bad sectors hard drive without missing a data + tutorial - you may have experienced hardis bad sectors? what is bad sectors?
Hard disk bad sector is a condition in which there is a section of the hard drive can not be used by the system because of a breakdown or failure in access os. Damage to the hard drive is very harmful, because it can lead to a very slow computer.
characteristic feature of the hard disk bad sector is often a crash but irregular, especially when booting up Windows. Frequent error messages and cryptic when doing specific activities such as moving files. Folder and file names that become scrambled and changed. Loss of files and folders. Wait very long to access folders and files. Hard disk does not react for a long time after you request data by opening the file or folder. Chaotic output of printing or open files. Appears sound (a kind of ringing) noisy in hard drive. 
 Then  like where to fix it?

well we will discuss how to improve our hardis damaged or bad sectors using software spinrite 6.0.  Why should spinrite 6.0? because in my experience this software is very powerful and effective to cope with bad sectors on the hard disk damage ,, hehehe

dibutuh what is it?

1.flashdisk or if there should pc his cdroom can also use blank CD
2.pc / computer (do not try to use a notebook / laptop spec is low because this process requires a fair amount of time) spinrite 6.0 download   HERE

STEP 2 is as follows:
1. Open SpinRitenya then pili "Create an ISO or Image File" (this menu for who want to use CDs for benerin hardisknya) ... if it SDH jd iso file directly burn to CD use nero or something that made ngeburn principal software CD. .. who want to use the flash select "Install SpinRite on Drive" and then hold a letter key on the keyboard that sesuae with your flash drive letter and press the Install Bootable SpinRite ... wait until the process is complete and press close


2. Restart the computer and enter the bios> usually if most PC press the Del for entry bios> select the boot menu> then select the boot devices> adjust with that contraptionyou wear> bro if y bootingnya use CD-ROM CD set via home network ( CD was inserted into the CD-hrs ROMnya gy y because if each aj lie.
if you select the menu using the flash disk boot device priority underneath (if g g slh because I had entered bios for checking) ... trs first hard drive was replaced to a flash ... if SDH directly exit bios and saving or press F10
3. After the boot process is successful it will look like below
 spinrite mempuyai 5 choices, and you can choose according to your needs

How to Fix the hard disk bad sector Without Missing Data + Tutoria

How to Fix the hard disk bad sector Without Missing Data + Tutoria

How to Fix the hard disk bad sector Without Missing Data + Tutoria

4. After sorting options will be selected manayang then there will be bids drive or partition to be repaired ,, after that wait patiently until the finish because it will take a fairly long time xixixi ,,, critical patient data can be back, right?

How to Fix the hard disk bad sector Without Missing Data + Tutoria

 This software can also restore lost dat2 you know ..
that's how bad sector repair hard drive without missing a data + tutorial. I hope the article tutorial how to repair bad sectors hard drive without missing a data + tutorial can help.

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